Welcome to the 2015 VLC financial page. There is a good amount of information on this page to help you learn and pray through our financial information for 2015. The video's below are short and are watchable in small chunks if you prefer. If you prefer looking at .pdf files for the budget and other financial information you can download them below. If you have questions, feel free to write me or Dan Beckett (treasurer) with any questions.

2016 VLC Financial Information

2016 VLC Budget - (.pdf to view or download)

Here is a short overview of what ValleyLife Church accomplished together in 2015. Let's pray for greater things to be done in 2016!

2015 VLC Budget - (.pdf to view or download) 

Budget, Expenses, Income Comparison Sheet for 2014 - (.pdf to view or download)

Generosity - Learn the connection between being generous and spiritual disicplines in the Christian life. This is a short 4:40 video to give you an overview of this topic.