House Churches


In our house churches we worship Christ, pray, interact, discuss the Word of God and often share a meal together. House church is a safe place to connect in a community where authentic relationships can be experienced. Together, we encourage one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25) Each house church is saturated with Divine Truth, Nurturing Relationships and Apostolic Mission (DNA) so that reproduction of the group can take place.

Our house churches are the backbone and strength of ValleyLife. If a choice must be made, we would rather see people active and regular in their house church than at our Sunday Gatherings. It is in house churches that the deepest and greatest ministry takes place in the hearts and lives of people. House churches are where people walk together in the dark times of life and rejoice together in the sunshine of victory. Sharing our journeys develops trust, and authentic, caring community can then take place.  The house church environment encourages the mutual sharing of life, faith, strength and weakness where believers can become mature and fruitful.

Each church is autonomous to follow Jesus as He leads them.  We encourage each group to evaluate their health using DNA.  All healthy organisms reproduce, and disciples and churches who are healthy should be doing the same.

We strongly believe church should be more like family than school. Therefore, our children remain with us for much of the evening. Some churches may also provide our children with some structured time with one or two adults during a portion of the evening as well. It is our conviction that children are positively affected by observing other believers growing in their faith, working through their problems and rejoicing when another experiences victory.

We also include our teenagers in our house churches. The Church has learned over the past few decades that 85% or more of teenagers leave the church during or after high school. This is largely due to the fact that they have not developed deep relationships with adults in their community of faith because they’ve been separated from adult worship. We are attempting to meet this challenge by including our teens in our house churches. They are treated as equal partners with equal responsibilities. Our experience has been that most teens thrive in this environment. ValleyLife sees this as an incredible opportunity for our teens to witness how Christian adults can overcome adversity by being transparent with our burdens so that others in the house church can pray and play an active role in identifying and serving the needs of others.

If you are interested in exploring a house church, please contact us via email at