Sunday Night Expectations

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What should I expect at the corporate gatherings on Sunday nights?

Well that depends on the Sunday you choose to hang out with us.  Sunday nights are relaxed, mostly interactive, informal and a time to reflect on what Jesus has done in our lives and house churches since the last time we were together.  We will usually have a time of singing, praying and also allowing for a time of open sharing where anyone can share a Scripture, thought, insight, prayer request, prayer or short teaching on things Jesus is speaking to them.  We believe 1 Corinthians 14:26 that tells us that when we get together, each person is given a gift from Jesus to share with the church so that the church is encouraged and made stronger.  We will often have a time of short teaching or reflection followed by conversation about the truths taught.  On other Sundays, you may find it feeling really similar to a more conventional church gathering (singing, preaching and praying) where less interaction takes place. 

We have enjoyed times where the whole night is full of silence (listening to the Spirit), singing, eating and enjoying one another’s company, service projects, prayer, teaching or just hanging out and having fun.  We see church as a family instead of a school.  When church is a family, it takes form in many different shapes.  Come and enjoy a Sunday night with us, jump in and get involved or sit back and remain silent.  It’s your choice!